Have you written a list recently? What was on it?

  • Bread, milk and a bottle of wine
  • Customer or client contact information
  • Sales or revenue projections
  • Presents to buy for someone special
  • Marketing strategies and campaigns
  • Key performance indicators (KPIs) and metrics
  • Budget and financial projections
  • DIY jobs that need finishing around the house
  • Family and friends’ birthdays in April
  • Policies and procedures
  • Ingredients to buy on the way home from work

How about writing a list that highlights what you do best?

We don’t do this nearly enough!


When you’re looking for a new job you often list:

  • Your met and exceeded targets for the last quarter
  • Your capabilities
  • Your personal goals
  • What you will do in your first 30, 60 and 90 days


Your CV provides a list of what you have achieved in your career to date and when you speak to a Recruitment Consultant you list all of your good attributes so that they see your worth and submit your application.

During an interview you list the ways in which you will add value, bring a different dynamic, shake things up.

When you are negotiating a salary package you list the reasons why you qualify or to justify negotiating for more.

When you resign from your current job, you list the reasons why you are leaving.

On your first day in a new job, you might be speaking to your new colleagues and list the reasons why you chose to work for the same company as they do.

We don’t often list all of the things we are good at, and maybe we should do this more often?

(Even if we aren’t applying for a new job!)


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Published On: April 6th, 2023 / Categories: #OpenToWork /