Specialised expertise is crucial for navigating the complexities of any industry. However, finding a Subject Matter Expert isn’t always easy – especially in niche sectors.

We all know what the traditional hiring challenges can be:

  • Publishing of effective job specifications
  • A lack of active talent to apply for the vacancies
  • Limited network reach
  • Expensive job boards that yield poor results

…. the list goes on.

Now consider the specialised fields of Defence and Aerospace.

Here, the roadblocks mentioned above are further amplified by a limited candidate pool, the necessity for security clearances and the need for a deep understanding of the UK Defence sector.

Finding candidates with knowledge of Military training centres, test and development units, air bases, barracks (and a shared appreciation of egg banjos) can halt the recruitment process.

  • So where can you find someone to craft job specifications that attract the right talent for these niche vacancies?
  • How do you reach into specialised talent networks that just aren’t deep or wide enough?
  • Where will specialised SMEs come from and how will they be attracted to the vacancy or company?
  • If the vacancy cannot be advertised for security reasons how are candidates going to know about it?
  • How easy will it be to find people with specific regulatory compliance expertise PLUS the skills to fulfil the role?

These are all valid and significant obstacles for any unique business looking to fill very different and highly industry-specific vacancies. There may only be a handful of people who can do the job, so how on earth are you going to find them?

You need to build your future talent pipeline by fostering strong partnerships with a business that specialises in strategic planning, proactive talent development and one that has an active and passive network of talent.


It’s easy. Schedule a SOLVE IT call to tackle your challenges.

Then sit back and relax, knowing your niche talent requirements are being handled sunny side up.

#hellopimento #pimentoproject

Published On: October 10th, 2024 / Categories: Blog /