Talent Acquisition (TA) teams and Recruitment Partnerseach play pivotal roles in the successful expansion of a company. Relationships can sometimes however, be marked by tension.

Whilst the aim is to secure high calibre talent, we both naturally approach it from different angles.

The brilliance of an internal TA teamtypically focuses on long-term recruitment strategies, building talent pipelines, and aligning hires with the company’s culture and growth goals because of the deep understanding of the business. This enables the TA team to make strategic hires that contribute to the company’s future – after all, they have the insight into the hiring forecasts that no-one else has.

On the other hand, we Recruitment Partners are experts in sourcing talent quickly and efficiently simply because we bring broader market insights and access to passive candidates who may not be visible to internal teams.

Our ability to work urgent or hard-to-fill roles, particularly in niche industries, makes us highly valuable to both Hiring Managers and TA teams, especially during peak hiring periods.

Whilst TA teams might sometimes view external recruiters as competition, this really isn’t the case at all. But the key is collaboration.

Understanding that the Recruitment Partner’s only objective is to fill the vacancies they are allocated, (and to provide the best talent possible for their customer’s business to thrive) is key to establishing a good working relationship.

Recruitment Partners complement TA teams extremely well; easing the burden and allowing TA teams to focus on strategic initiatives for the benefit of the wider company.

Rather than being a threat, we are valuable allies, helping businesses achieve their hiring goals and ensuring both immediate and long-term talent needs are met.

We are certainly not here to make Senior Leadership question the need for a TA team; the only objective is to work collaboratively to ensure the best person is hired.

After all, we all share the same intention: to help candidates find new opportunities so that a business thrives. Ultimately resulting in more work and a stronger requirement for a larger TA team to develop.

So in reality, a Recruitment Partner joining forces with a TA team should be seen as a positive step that can only ever enhance the hiring process and lead to better outcomes for everyone.

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Published On: September 26th, 2024 / Categories: Blog /